random thought: November 2003 Archives

latest spam techniques

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I've finally gotten my spam filters fine-tuned well enough that only one or two messages is making it to my inbox each day. There's still a few false-positives ending up in my Spam folder, but that number is decreasing as time goes on.

Whenever a message goes into the Spam folder that isn't automatically marked for deletion from the server, I take a look at it to see if there's anything unique that I can filter on for the next time. The message I just opened up contained the following hidden words, apparently to evade filtering:

amongst phosphate nipple look chance checkpoint shareholder spikenard advocacy germantown bangkok opt binomial disgustful pail woven vertigo visitation bucknell calypso ascent commission mutandis symphonic couple bloody loath allusion atwater mizar pontiff chart epitome guildhall plankton transferor izvestia sachs damascus tragic catch pinto cartography rasa intoxicant levy pollster berenices camp turbojet valois cherokee infest snakebird approbation halide diehard coyote yearn knockout snowflake military irritable defecate nurture intervenor noisy

By posting that list, I think my site will now be a result for any possible Google search.