April 02, 2006

My active weekend/sports

A sixty mile ride and a six mile run on consecutive days. Now I need to swim .6 miles tomorrow for the three-day ten percent triathlon.

Saturday - Wildflower Pedal Power Ride

Sunday - Capitol 10k

More on what I learned from these events tomorrow...


The ride started out slick and misty, but the clouds burned off after an hour and made for pretty day of riding. There weren't too many flowers due to the dry winter, but things had greened up nicely with the recent rain. There was a pretty stiff headwind for the last fifteen or so miles, but I was so happy to have another chance to ride the Willow City Loop that I couldn't complain too much.

The steep climb out of the Willow City basin

Close enough to the top to stop for a picture


I was worried my legs would be completely dead from the ride, but I felt surprisingly good. My fear helped me start slow rather than burning up all my energy in the first two miles. The hills didn't bother me much; it helps to have some in the neighborhood.

I had wanted to finish under an hour, but several things worked against me. I took one more water stop than I should have, and my pace calculations weren't very good. Aiming for 10 minute miles is a sure way to run 6.2 miles in over an hour. I also fooled myself on the location of the finish line, speeding up a little too early. I did have enough left for an almost dead sprint at the end.

I made some waffles for breakfast when upon returning home and prepared for the relative calm of a work week.


Here's the playlist I set up for the 10k. The nano shuffled things nicely, except for putting Redemption City too close to the end. I meant for it to be early on when I was trying to keep a steady pace. Cadillac Rock Box and Walk were timed perfectly, though.

Ball And Biscuit - The White Stripes
Refuse To Be Denied - Anthrax
Cadillac Rock Box - Anthrax
Redemption City - Corrosion Of Conformity
Ronnie - Metallica
Shedding Skin - Pantera
Battery - Metallica
Walk - Pantera
Only - Anthrax
I'm Broken - Pantera
Fuel - Metallica
Becoming - Pantera

Posted by tkaspar at April 2, 2006 04:21 PM

I am VERY proud of you!

Posted by: Mom at April 5, 2006 06:41 PM

I am also proud of you. Glad one of us is in shape.

Posted by: B-Dub at April 10, 2006 10:30 PM
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